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The Spectre of Morality

"It takes away our freedom to act, deprives us of our individuality and takes all the pleasure out of life."

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Despite the apparent decline of religious practices, the spectre of morality continues to haunt Western societies. Moral judgments, passed down from the depths of time, are everywhere, mirroring the same restrictive and authoritarian morality that binds our consciences. They hide behind the discourse of “progressivism,” and are stirred up by our frenzied fixation on equality. An obsessive sense of injustice now contaminates all aspects of society, fuelling jealousy and conformism. In turn, minorities try to promote their own agendas and grievances, which are then taken up indiscriminately by the crowds. 

In response to this spiral of resentment, Vitaly Malkin calls on the natural, positive morality of Spinoza, Nietzsche and Bergson, which is in keeping with the movement of life, the desire to persevere in our being and enhances the talents of each one of us. The author sketches out a new relationship with reality, which would free us from the straitjacket of these old morals and force us into action, while enabling us to fully and unapologetically enjoy life. A more beautiful life, more intense and free from invasive bitterness.

"In my view, where the philosophical tradition has always gone wrong is in considering morality as immutable, transcendent and eternal. We are still living with the consequences of this."

Vitaly Malkin

The books

One against everybody

One against everybody

Equality: a dangerous fantasy

Equality: a dangerous fantasy

Sex is God's Greatest Enemy

Sex is God's Greatest Enemy

All books
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